FQ&S Policy - Polenta Valsugana

Food Quality and Safety Policy

BONOMELLI SRL, aware of the organisational context in which it works and the needs of its stakeholders, is actively committed to the following strategies in the production of its products:

– Production and innovation: pursuing of the production efficiency, the development of innovative products, the research of new markets occurs ensuring the quality of the production process and the ability of the Bonomelli organisation to fully respond to the  customer needs and satisfaction; 

– Quality and health & hygiene safety/protection of the finished goods: the quality of the BONOMELLI SRL products is the primary goal of the entire structure “to pursue in order to ensure the competitiveness”. It is based on the commitment to meet the food safety requirements, including laws and regulations and requirements agreed with customers;

– Sustainability: BONOMELLI promotes a sustainable development model through the use of resources that do not compromise the needs of future generations, respecting people, the environment and society as a whole, as well as the requirements of technical, administrative, national and international regulations and standards.

To reach the above goals and to be transparent with its customers, BONOMELLI SRL has established, applied, and is committed to improving a Food Safety Management System that, based on the main international reference standards (ISO 22000, FSSC 22000), becomes an operational tool and reference for all the production personnel.

To create, consolidate and improve the Food Safety Management System, the Executive board (Management team) undertakes to:

– make available resources necessary to pursue company’ strategies/goals, and start ongoing improvement projects to allow the company to be competitive and at the forefront in the market of interest; 

– develop appropriate management tools (clear company organisation, control plans, safety systems to ensure food quality and hygiene, IT systems, staff with the necessary experience and skills, effective hardware and software, etc.) to deal effectively with the food safety and legal issues of the products;

– promote efficient communication systems, both internal and external to the company, in order to guarantee that the food safety information (which may come from all levels of the BONOMELLI SRL supply chain) is available and understood by the competent managers;

– pursue customers and stakeholders’ satisfaction ensuring compliance with their requests, evaluating systematically the results and anticipating expectation in relation to the market trends, technological innovation and environmental sustainability and respect; 

-put in place a hygiene and health management system based on the risk assessment and control of the critical control points (by applying the HACCP method), on work instructions describing good hygiene practices (application of pre-requisite programmes), on verifications/controls (to ensure product conformity during all the phases of the  production process) and on a traceability and early alarm system able to prevent/eliminate possible product hygiene and health risk;

– use efficient regulatory update systems which allow the company to keep a high level of attention to the standards of the current regulations/laws, specifically regarding hygiene and health, according to the relevant health authorities;

– encourage involvement, motivation and growth of the human resources; ensure appropriate involvement, motivation and personnel training, in order to assure continued competence, multidisciplinary training and ability to work as a team; respect collective labour agreements; pursue, in the personal relationships, behaviour aimed at respecting ethics, cultures and/or religion beliefs;

– ensure involvement and awareness of the entire supply chain to maintain and improve the finished goods safety, legality and quality of the manufactured products; pursue, in particular, a continuous improvement of the quality of the purchased products and services, through a close collaboration with the suppliers, also developing partnerships;

– ensure an increasing use of the Risk Based Thinking approach at all levels and implement a systemic evaluation and management of risks and opportunities;

– pursue the continuous improvement of the process performance in compliance with applicable regulations and the needs of the stakeholders;

– operate in a manner that is consistent with the principles of sustainability and environmental protection required by law and/or recommended by the international standards, while at the same time minimising waste by managing its resources in a careful and prudent manner.

These commitments are fully understood and pursued by all the staff of BONOMELLI SRL who is dedicated to guaranteeing the wholesomeness of the finished product, as well as the continuous improvement of the Company’s Food Safety Management System. 

As a fundamental way of supporting this industrial strategy, the Management is committed to  disseminating this quality policy to all the company’s personnel, external collaborators and make it available to all interested parties through the publication on the website. The contents will be reviewed periodically to ensure they are up to date with the company strategy. 

Based on what is defined in this Quality Policy and with a view to continuous improvement, each year the Management establishes the specific measurable goals that will be evaluated for the Quality System’s annual review.

Zola Predosa, 30th April 2024

Bonomelli srl
Direttore Generale 
Sergio Fava